ICN is a federation of more than 130 national nurses’ associations (NNAs), representing the 28 million nurses worldwide. ICN works directly with its member associations on issues of importance to the nursing profession. Our members are the heart of everything we do. We value the input of each and every NNA, no matter what size, and work to represent the individual nurses who are their members.
Crta. de l'Obac 12-14 Edif. Forestal Esc. A Baixos AD500 Andorra la Vella Andorra
Município de Talatona Distrito Urbano do Benfica, Bairro Benvindo, Rua Dr. João Bizerra da Silva, Condominio Vila Jerusalém, Luanda Angola
Rivadavia 3518 1204 Buenos Aires Argentina
Paradera 175 F, Apt. 5 PO Box 3034 Oranjestaad Aruba
1 Napier Close Deakin, ACT 2600 Australia
Fachsekretatiat Pflege Wilhelminenstrasse 91/II e 1160 Wien Austria
There is no individual membership to ICN. Nurses who are part of their national nurses association are automatically part of ICN.
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