ICN uses its position statements to address a variety of areas related to health, well-being and nursing professional advancement.
These position statements go through rigorous processes before publication including expert consultation and review, review by all national nursing association members and board review. Within these statements, ICN makes recommendations to the advancement of the topic from the international level, the national nursing association level, and the individual nurse level.
Mental Health (2020)
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Health of migrants, refugees and displaced persons (2018)
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Antimicrobial resistance (2017)
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Women’s health (2012)
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Nurses’ role in providing care to dying patients and their families (2012)
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Nurses’ role in the care of detainees and prisoners (2011)
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Cultural and linguistic competence (2013)
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Nursing regulation (2013)
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Scope of nursing practice (2013)
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Protection of the title “Nurse” (2012)
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International career mobility and ethical nurse recruitment (2019)
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Evidence Based Nurse Staffing (2018)
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Occupational Health and safety (2017)
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Prevention and management of workplace violence (2017)
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Industrial action (2011)
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Primary Health Care (2024)
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Patient Safety (2023)
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Digital health transformation and nursing practice (2023)
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Health information: protecting patient rights (2015)
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Informed patients (2015)
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Health care in conflict: the nursing perspective (2025)
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Nurses, climate change and health (2024)
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Gender equity in health and healthcare (2023)
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Gender equity in the nursing and healthcare workforce (2023)
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Health inequities, discrimination and the nurse’s role (2023)
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Substandard and Falsified Medical Products (2019)
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Nurses and disaster risk reduction, response and recovery (2019)
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Nurses and social media (2015)
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Health information: protecting patient rights (2015)
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The right to connect via information and communication technology (2014)
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Armed conflict: Nursing’s perspective (2012)
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Towards elimination of weapons of war and conflict (2012)
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Nurses and human rights (2011)
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