Universal Health Coverage

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ICN believes that every person in our world must be able to access quality health care without risking financial hardship. Nurses, as the largest group of health professionals worldwide, are the driving force behind Universal Health Coverage (UHC).

There can be no health for all without nurses for all. To achieve UHC by 2030, we need bold, urgent investments to strengthen our world’s health systems and build a sufficient, resilient, and equitably-distributed nursing workforce.

ICN President Pamela Cipriano is the UHC2030 steering committee co-chair and ICN continually advocates for investment in primary health care and nursing as the path to achieving UHC and the Sustainable Development Goals. We invite all nurses to raise their voice in calling for UHC.

ICN President Pamela Cipriano on UHC Day 2024

Get involved: resources

UHC Day 2024 microsite

     UHC2030 Advocacy tools

     Action agenda on UHC

UHC 2030 logo

UHC2030 Partner

UHC2030 is the global movement for universal health care based on a shared vision for health systems that protect everyone and a commitment to leave no one behind.

