Ordem dos Enfermeiros de Angola (ORDENFA)(Order of Nurses of Angola)

Ordem dos Enfermeiros de Angola
Município de Talatona
Distrito Urbano do Benfica, Bairro Benvindo,
Rua Dr. João Bizerra da Silva,
Condominio Vila Jerusalém,
Phone number
+244 (912) 610763

The Angolan Order of Nurses is a socio-professional organisation, set up at a Nurses' Assembly held in Luanda/Angola on 28 November 2002. It is an institution of public utility and a self-regulatory body for matters concerning the nursing profession in Angola. It is national in scope, made up of 18 Provincial Nursing Councils, with administrative, financial and patrimonial autonomy, with the aim of disciplining, supervising and regulating the practice of nursing in the country, in favour of the population, the profession and the profession. The most active and comprehensive organisation at Ministry of Health level.